Hey guys LokoReviews here and I got a question to ask you?
Have you ever seen a movie that is so awful, so badly acted, so stupid, so cliche, and so everything wrong with it that you can't help but laugh at how bad it is?
Well, that's how I felt when I saw The Bye Bye Man.

For the people who never heard of this film, The Bye Bye Man is a recent Horror that came out this week in January. The concept of this film is basically about these College students that move into a old house where one of the characters finds out about The Bye Bye Man. Basically, if you say or think about his name, then he possesses you to do bad things to other people and then you die. But if you don't say or think his name, then you live.
Now I first saw the trailer for The Bye Bye Man, I knew it was going to be bad. But it did have a somewhat cool concept, even though it's basically an urban legend story like Slenderman. And the title "The Bye Bye Man" is somewhat interesting as well, but it's really stupid and generic. Like this movie could have been called "The Scary Looking Man" and it wouldn't have made any difference.
But I decided to go see The Bye Bye Man in theaters and like I said during the intro of this review, this movie is just straight up awful. Like every element in this film is so terrible that you can't help but rant on every little detail in it. Now for this review and the sack of time yours and my time, I'm going to give out my MAIN problems with this film. Then I'm going to list off the little other details that made this film so awful because trust me... THERE'S A LOT OF THINGS WROOOOOOOOOONG IN THIS FILM.
The first main problem I have with The Bye Bye Man is the characters. None of the characters in this film besides The Bye Bye Man are interesting. Heck, I didn't give two shits about any of these characters.

The main character played by Douglass Smith who also was in the awful 2014 horror movie "Ouija" was just an uninteresting and cliche character. His character is basically the guy who first knows the name of The Bye Bye Man and he starts going insane that The Bye Bye Man is going to get him & he is worried that his girlfriend might be cheating on him with his best friend. Honestly, I couldn't care less about this character and the acting was really bad and it even got over the top at the end of the movie.

Speaking of the main character's girlfriend and best friend, they're also awful. The acting from The Girlfriend character is so awful that it literally sounds and even looks like she was on drugs. I get in the movie that she's supposed to be sick throughout because knowing about The Bye Bye Man makes you sick all of a sudden.
As for the main character's best friend, he was awful as well. There's nothing special or memorable about him other than he has Abs and the main character thinks he is cheating with his girlfriend, that's basically all you need to know about this character. Also for a best friend character, I never felt any bond with him and the main character. Same goes for the Girlfriend, like I never felt a moment where I actually believed the Main Character and her were meant for each other. No bond, no chemistry, just your standard horror movie couple.

Now the last character I want to talk about before I move on is this chick and to be honest, she was the closest character besides The Bye Bye Man where I actually started to care. The reason why I was so close of caring for this character because she's a psychic who can read minds and know what's about to happen. I know that's not the most original character, but for an awful film like this, she was the closest of making things interesting. BUT just like the rest of the characters, she turned out to be awful and really REALLY idiotic. Like there's literally one scene (which I'm not going to spoil) where this character does the dumbest thing ever that got her killed and I didn't feel bad for her at all when it did happen.
Another problem I have with this film is that it's not scary at all. Like I'm not even joking, there's legitimately no scares to be found in this movie. And when there is scares, it is usually a jumpscare or a loud noise or the Bye Bye Man creeping at the corner or the basic noise happening around the house and the characters have to walk around and investigate. Like none of these things I just mentioned scared me at all. Heck, I just face palmed myself and laughed when those scares actually happened. Also the way that they build up to the scares are so obvious that you notice them when a certain character just says a word or does something, like it's honestly pathetic when you think about it.
And the last and MAJOR problem I have with this movie is that it heavily copies from other horror films and even some urban legends. Like this film copies from movies like The Candyman, Darkness Falls, The Ring, A Nightmare On Elm Street, and etc. And it even copies from urban legends like Slenderman and Bloody Mary. NOTHING in this film is original and you can clearly tell that they weren't trying to be original. Heck, they even have horror movie cliches like a character searching what this supernatural being is and the visiting an expert who knows about this phenomenon cliche.
Like I said, the only good thing about this film is The Bye Bye Man himself.

I'm not going to lie, I do like the way that he looks and the urban legend about this character is somewhat interesting. But even he isn't all that great of a character because they don't really explain a lot about this character. Like they don't explain how The Bye Bye Man became The Bye Bye Man to begin with, how he can possess people and trick their minds, where he even came from, why all these Train imagery keep on appearing when he's around, why he uses coins to lore people into his trap, and why he has a red and badly CGI DOGGO as his pet. They don't explain anything about The Bye Bye Man other than he kills people when they say his name. Heck, they don't even explain why he even kills people when they say The Bye Bye Man. So many questions and zero answers to be found in this film. YOU KNOW WHAT... I'm done with this film.
Overall, The Bye Bye Man is a really awful movie. Nothing about this film works. The characters are bad, the scares are non-existent, the acting is bad, and just everything is bad. The only positive thing I can give this film is that there are some hilariously awful moments and the concept about The Bye Bye Man is somewhat interesting, but the execution just fails. Also knowing that the same movie company that made my favorite movie from last year "The Edge Of Seventeen" also made this shitty movie is just a huge disappointment.
Overall, don't see The Bye Bye Man. It's just an awful film. But if you're actually interested, then there is a chance where you might have a good time watching it because there is so many hilariously awful moments in this film to make fun of. But just in general, don't see The Bye Bye Man and just don't say it or think it like you would if The Bye Bye Man was real.
I have to give this film an 0.5/5.
Well, that's my review of The Bye Bye Man. I doubt that anyone but me saw this, so I'm not going to ask what you thought about the film. But I just hope you enjoyed this review because I tried my hardest to not make this super long and ramble on how awful this movie is. But thank you for tuning in and I'll see you guys later. So this is James Kaloko and everybody in the world just stay loco, BYE BYE!!! ;)
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