Hey guys, LokoReviews here and today I'm going to be reviewing another Blumhouse horror movie called Visions.

Here's the trailer:
Now this movie is about this couple that move into this house while they're about to have this baby and the Wife played by Isla Fisher experience these weird visions, but only herself can see them & everyone doesn't believe her and thinks she lost her mind. But she thinks the house she just moved in to is actually haunted.
Now I saw this movie on Netflix and I was curious on how this movie will turn out. Also I was interested to find out that Blumhouse produced it because I never even knew it existed until I did my research. And this movie got a lot of big names like the lead actress Isla Fisher who was countless of popular movies like Wedding Crashers & The Great Gatsby. Jim Parsons who is mostly known for Shelton on the Big Bang Theory. And Eva Longoria, which I'm surprised she was even in this movie.
So after watching this movie, I have to say that this movie was mediocre at best.
Like the acting from all the actors and actresses were solid and there were some legitimate creepy & intense scenes.
Also there was some amazing and beautiful shots in this film. Like there was this one scene where the wife was on top of a hill holding her pregnant stomach while the sun was shining. And the way that it was shot was just perfect.
But there was just a lot of problems I had with this film.
The big problem I had with this film was that it started off really slow and I wasn't really invested in anything that was going on until like the middle to near end of the film. Like I was literally about to pause the movie and fall asleep, because there was nothing interesting going on. But even when the movie does start to pick up, I still found problems with it.
Like this movie isn't really that scary or have that many scary moments. Like I said there were some creepy & eerie stuff that was happening, but most of the scares was just jump scares and I wasn't feeling them. Also this movie isn't technically a horror movie. Yeah, it got some horror elements with the house being haunted but all the scary stuff are just the backstories or should I say "Visions" of what's actually happening.
So overall, this movie is just mediocre. It did have some creepy scenes and the ending was really good & caught me off guard. But the movie was just too slow and it's not really that scary of a film. But if you want to check it out for yourself and see what the think, it's on Netflix right now. And overall, I have to give this film a 2.5/5.
Well, that's it for the review. If you enjoyed this review, then let me know. Also tell me what do you think about this movie, if you saw it though. So thank you for tuning in and I'll see you guys later. So this is James Kaloko and everyone in this world, just stay loco, peace!!!
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