Hey guys LokoReviews here and today, I'm going to be giving my thoughts on one of the most anticipated movies of this year and that is Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice.

Now when I heard that they were making a Batman v. Superman movie, I was actually kind of interested to see 2 beloved DC Comic Book characters fight to the death. The last time when 2 beloved characters fought in the big screen was Alien & Predator in Alien v. Predator: Requim and it didn't turn out so good. But I did have high hopes for Batman v. Superman to be good. Like the way they introduced Ben Affleck as the new Batman was handled well with him looking badass in the bat suit and the first trailer just blew my mind & got me definitely hyped up for it. Then the 3rd trailer came out and that's where things gotten a little eiffy for me. I felt like with the 3rd trailer they focused more on the Dawn Of Justice aspect more than Batman v. Superman and I got really worried because I was just expecting a battle to the death between Batman & Superman. But no, they added characters like Wonder Woman and Doomsday (Which I will discuss later). But even with all that, I still got excited and high hopes for it even though that there were going to be a bunch of characters added onto here.
Alright, now that it arrived and I finally saw it. I got to say that it was just..........
Okay. Nothing horrible, but nothing that makes me want to call it the best movie I've seen in 2016. So let's discuss why I feel this way and I'm going to be giving my positive thoughts, negative thoughts, and then my overall conclusion. So let's start with the positives.
The Positives:
The first positive thing I have to give to it is the acting from some of these actors and actresses. Ben Affleck as Batman was just outstanding. Not only he looked the part, but he was investive, emotional, and even him as Bruce Wayne was great as well. Jeremy Iron as Alfred was pretty good, not the best but I did feel a lot of connection between him and Bruce. But the performance I was really shocked that was good was Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. When I saw her in the trailer, I thought she was only there so that they can quickly set her up for the big Justice League movie that is coming real soon. Even though that some of that is true, I felt like she gave a pretty good performance and she definitely kicked ass as Wonder Woman.
The other part of this movie I liked were the visuals. Everything looked good and nothing was hard to see. If I have to rate the movie for its visuals, I have to give it a 9 out of 10.
Now my absolute favorite part of this whole film and the part I was waiting for the most was the epic battle between Batman and Superman. Let me just say that it's one of the best battles between 2 beloved characters I've seen in the movie theater since Alien v. Predator. Both of these characters were vulnerable and nothing felt too choreographed. They both kicked each other's asses really well and I felt a lot of danger from both of them. So overall, the fight between Batman and Superman was just amazing. But even with all those amazing things in this movie, there were some negatives that did bring this movie down.
The Negatives:
Remember when I said that some of the actors and actresses did a really good job in this movie? Well... There were some that didn't do that well. And the biggest & the only one was Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luther or Lex Luther son whatever. Now plenty of people said that casting him as Lex Luther was a bad choice because he doesn't look like him and he's too awkward to play as him. So after I heard all of that, I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt to see if it's all true and those people weren't lying. Like JESUS MAN..... Talk about hamming things up. Every time when he's on screen, I didn't take him seriously at all. I was actually chuckling in embarrassment for him because it was just so awkward and so out of place from this dark and serious movie. Now I wouldn't mind Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luther, if and only if he was genuinely funny and didn't hammer things all the way up. But no, he wasn't funny at all, he wasn't threatening, and he was just out of place in this whole movie. The time I liked him in this movie was at the ending, but that didn't really save the rest of his performance.
The other thing I didn't like about this movie was Louis Lane. Now personally, I don't really mind this character and it was kind of a surprise to see her. But in this movie, she was just unnecessary. I know that she is Clark Kent/Superman love interest, but we didn't really need that in this movie. All she did was make lovey Dovey with Superman, be a damsel in distress, and especially butt in the fight to the death with Batman and Superman. If she wasn't included at all in this movie, then it would have been 10 times better and nothing would get interrupted.
But speaking of interruptions.... Let's talk about the most pointless and ugliest looking thing I've seen in the movie theaters in a while is Doomsday. Guys, I don't like the inclusion of Doomsday in this movie. Not only it looks ugly as shit with all that horrible CGI that looks like the evil version of the turtles from the 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies.

But the way it was thrown in this movie was just unnecessary. I know that Doomsday was added in to bring all the Justice League together to fight off, but it took away from the main focus of this entire film and that is the epic battle between Batman and Superman. When I see the title Batman v. Superman, I only expect a fight between those 2 characters and that's it. But the inclusion of Doomsday and Lex Luther being a part of this just lose focus on what it's supposed to do. If I was the creator of this whole movie, I would make like 2 parts of this. I would focus 1 part of just the battle between Batman and Superman without killing either one of them, then the other part I would introduce Lex Luther, Wonder Woman, Doomsday, and the small cameo from the rest of the Justice League. So that it can only focus on one part individually without the other getting the most focus. So the inclusion of doomsday in this film was just unnecessary. But I will admit that the action scenes and visual effects for his part were pretty cool to look at.
And the last negative thing I want to point out is the lack of presence of Superman. What I mean by that is that I felt like I was watching more of a Batman film more than a Superman film. They added more character depth to Batman and Batman had more important screen than Superman does. The only big screen time he gets is when he's getting hated on by the public especially the court scene and the big battle between Batman & sadly Doomsday. Other than that, no character build, no emotional scene, he's just there being Superman and doing Superman things.
Like I said earlier, this film was just okay. I don't hate it or love it, it was just in the middle. There were some parts that worked really well and others that should have been cutout or been improved on. So if I have to give this film a rating, I have to give it a 6/10. And I'm only recommending this to you guys if you're a really big fan of Batman, Superman, or anything DC Comic Book related things.
So thank guys for checking out my review and I'll see you later. So this is James Kaloko and everyone in this world, just stay loco. Peace!!!
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